Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Glutathione s-transferase t gene deletions and their effect on iron status in sudanese renal failure patients

Background: Renal failure is one of endemic disease in Sudan characterized by acute and chronic renal failure. The renal failure disorder differ in etiology and symptoms and in the consequence of disease. Deletion in Glutathione S-transferaseT in renal failure patient this problem may be cause of increase serum ferritin. Objectives: The study was done to measure iron in patients with renal failure by measure serum ferritin level using Toso machine and to detect glutathione S-transferase T gene polymorphism using allel specific PCR Materials and Methods: A case control study was done in 50 renal failure patients and 50 normal control. Included measurement of serum ferritin level by TOSO machine and Assessment of GSTT1 poly morphisms by allel specific PCR approach briefly Results: Serum ferritin levels in cases of chronic renal failure under dialysis were significantly higher than that of the healthy controls (p value = 0.000). Half the cases had the null genotype of GSTT1 compared to 11 (22%) of the healthy controls with a p value of 0.003. The GSTT1 was found to be present in 25 (50%) of cases and 39 (78%) of controls. Serum ferritin level in both cases and controls was found to be not statistically related to the GSTT1 genotype (p value =0.5, 0.07 respectively) Conclusion: Serum ferritin level was high in cases compared to controls. GSTT1 null genotype was significantly higher in cases compared to controls. No statistically significant association was found between serum ferritin and GSTT1 null genotype.

Mona Hassan Almagbol and Ibrahim Khider Ibrahim
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