Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Information security model for higher education institutions in ecuador

This paper aims to present an evaluation of the most relevant processes in the analysis of risks and management of information systems, with the aim of proposing a model to reduce the probability of occurrence of hazards that affect higher education institutions. The proposal is based on the Deming and Magerit methodologies, which identify the threats, risks and vulnerabilities that the information faces. The results allowed to conclude that the presented proposal provides a guide that helps the universities to apply controls in order to generate important information to comply with each one of the indicators of the process of evaluation and accreditation of Ecuador.

Navira Gissela Angulo Murillo, Cevallos Gamboa Antonio, Alex Alfonso Sánchez Arteaga
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