Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

A study on nursing intervention on cardiopulmonary parameter among children with pneumonia at Puducherry

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of cardiopulmonary parameter among children with pneumonia in experimental and control group; To evaluate the effectiveness of nursing intervention on cardiopulmonary parameter among children with pneumonia in experimental group; To compare the effectiveness of nursing intervention on cardiopulmonary parameter among pneumonia children in experimental and control group pre test and posttest;To associate the nursing intervention on cardiopulmonary parameter among children(4-12yrs) with pneumonia in selected demographic variables in experimental and control groups. Results: In experimental group pre test 0% were in mild level, 15(75%) were in moderate level , 5(25%) severe level , In post test 14(70%) were in mild level, 6(30%) were in moderate level , nil in severe level ; In control group pre test nil were in mild level, 12(60%) were in m1oderate level, 8(40%) were in severe level ; post test 5(25%) were in mild level, 10(50%) were in moderate level, 5(25%) were in severe level. Conclusion The study reveals that associationnursing intervention on cardiopulmonary parameter among children(4-12yrs) with pneumonia at puducherry to with demographic data. It was statistically significance with the birth order of the children.

Dr. Danasu, R. and Miss. Girija, P.
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