Activites anthropiques et leurs effets negatifs sur les ressources forestieres a faïra

The objective of this study is to analyze the negative effects of anthropogenic activities on the wood resources of the Faïra classified forest in the rural commune of Pélengana. To do this, we proceeded by the mixed method, in order to collect information. The results lay bare anthropogenic practices in the decline of woody forest species, agriculture and its practices, in particular the abusive cutting of wood for the unbridled conquest of space and the use of phytosanitary and chemical products. Solutions are proposed for sustainable resource management to safeguard biodiversity. To this end, it is urgent to intervene in order to protect these precious resources on the environment.

Tenemaka SANOGO, Mahamadou CISSE, Bakary DAGNO, Mamadou COULIBALY, Ibrahima DEMEBLE, Alibourou GUIROU and Hamadou Soumaila YALCOUYE
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