An analysis of ict implementation in the learning process at the islamic boarding school of nurul haramain nw narmada west lombok regency

The purpose of this study is to analysis of ICT implementation in the learning process at the islamic boarding school of Nurul Haramain NW Narmada West Lombok Regency. This research method are mix methods with sequential exploratory design. This model involves the collection and analysis of qualitative data in the first stage, followed by the collection and analysis of quantitative data in the second stage. The results of this study are; (1) Learning planning by utilizing ICT-based learning media runs maximally because 78% of students answer that teachers very often utilize ICT-based learning media; (2) the implementation of learning has been going well because of the questionnaire implementation of learning there are 75% of students recognize that teachers implement learning in accordance with what is planned; (3) there were 76% of students admitted that the teacher had conducted an ICT-based learning evaluation that could lead to learning motivation and Fiqh learning outcomes where the average student score was 82 higher than the KKM score of 75; (4) Some obstacles faced by teachers in ICT-based learning are; (1) teachers have difficulty making features that can increase students' active participation; (2) lack of knowledge of teachers in the operation of macromedia flash and other interactive multimedia software. while the supporting factors are; (1) there is internal coaching but not yet optimal; (2) availability of adequate ICT-based learning facilities. Based on the results, this study offers some recommendations, namely; (1) To improve the quality of lesson planning to maximize through expert guidance or experts, panelists and others through discussion and preparation of learning tools together (team teaching); (2) To improve the process of learning implementation, teachers must adapt to the implementation plan of learning that has been made; (3) To improve the quality of the assessment, teachers should use various assessment instruments that measure what they want to measure; (4) To overcome the obstacles of learning should be done more intensive internal coaching both on aspects of the development of hard skills and soft skills of teachers.

Nuruddin, Hartati Muchtar and Nashuddin
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