Bermuda triangle mystery is by virtue of lawlessness (separate unconditioned thoughts) triggered by time mindness (fed act of god) during sailing of ship or flying of aero plane while floating on water or flying in air leading to inhibit thought of law of

Highest center of the universe created Earth (solar System) and heaven (galaxies) by unconditioned thought expression or by conditioned thought expression by higher centers (B.B.Bs). Hence laws of physics are made by these two ways of thought expressions. it is called Laws of Nature. But at certain places, Highest center of the universe or Creator B.B.B has made Lawlessness ie thoughts of natural laws (Thought of law of Flying or thought of law of Floating) get inhibited. It is time mindness (TM) that triggers this unconditioned thought expressions (lawlessness) at Bermuda triangle leading to sinking effect of ships or crashing effect of aero planes while crossing that Devil’s triangle. Hence it is “fed act of God” like triggering of thought of Earthquakes by sun rather than tectonic plate movements.

V M Das,
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