The micro-invasive method applied to dentine, requires selective controlled excavation. New and various alternative methods for selective excavation and high-tech equipment for excavation control are being created. Modern science is concerned with researching these methods in regards to the control during excavation as well as the choice of method for the excavation itself. The aim of this study was characterization of dentinal surfaces during in vitro excavation with different methods for minimal intervention by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The presented SEM micrographs showed that the obtained dentinal surfaces after excavation by different methods next to healthy dentin differed among themselves. Relatively preserved tubular structure was observed only in the laser processing, while in mechanical treatment the structure was masked by coating “smear layer”. In the resulting dentinal surfaces after excavation to healthy dentin with Carisolv, no visible structure of dentin was observed. The surface was very rough with clearly distinguishable particles of dentine that were flaking and remained bound to it.