Objectives: to analyze clinical outcomes of the ischemic stroke patients with hypersomnia using The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score transformation. Design: observational analytic study with longitudinal cohort approach Setting: the study was conducted at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital, Hasanuddin University Teaching Hospital in Makassar, Indonesia. Procedure:72 subjects diagnosed with ischemic stroke, divided into two groups by using Sleep Diary Test. One group with hypersomnia while other without hypersomnia. Results: The mean rank ΔNIHSS score of ischemic stroke patientswere 47.88 (hypersomnia)vs 29.26 (non hypersomnia) showed significant difference between those 2 groups (p= 0.000;Mann-Whitney Test). The changed of NIHSS score in ischemic stroke patient, mean rank was 45.93 (hypersomnia) vs 30.50 (non hypersomnia) Significantly showed ischemic stroke patients with hypersomnia group had worse clinical outcomes (p = 0.002; Mann-Whitney Test).Hypersomnia in ischemic stroke patients were affected by left hemisphere lesion (p = 0.026), and basal ganglia lesions (p = 0.009). Conclusion: The clinical outcomes of ischemic stroke patients with hypersomnia worse than patients without hypersomnia based on NIHSS score transformation.