Design considerations of a dual pedal exerciser with a power strorage device

This research presents the design of a dual pedal exerciser equipped with an energy storage device. The design concept is based on the principle of conservation of energy, faradays law of electromagnetic induction and Newton’s law of motion. The design drawing was produced using Cad software (solid works), fabricated with locally sourced materials in a welding workshop and tested using a tachometer and multimeter. This workpresents a brief insight on human body energy analysis, comprising of the maximum oxygen consumption of 2.5 litres per minute which gives energy over at the rate of 10.5 kcal/min. The exerciser when used for one hour generates about 153.43watts of power while burning 10.5kcal/min of body fat. The power generated can be used to power 3phones and a laptop for about 2hours. However, this work is limited by the ability of the user to maintain the pedaling speed for long period of time.

Dr. Mathew S. U., Engr. Eseonu Obi and Dr. Briggs, T. A.
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