The educational organization consists of a group of people working to provide education according to certain established relationships. The term "education" in its broadest sense refers to the provision of knowledge, the development of skills, the transmission of moral values, ensuring the intellectual and physical development of trainees, as well as their socialization and, finally, the production of suitable human resources for the needs of society. The ultimate goal of the research is to determine the purpose of education, the role of school and the concept of an effective school. The method adopted for the study was a review of the relevant literature. In the light of this study, it is noted that in order for educational institutions, or educational units, to fulfill their purpose, the existence of an effective administration is a necessary prerequisite. Besides, several surveys have shown that both pupils’ progress and behaviour depend on the unit's characteristics and management. The analysis has shown that the elements that characterize an effective school unit are leadership, teachers, communication between members of the school unit, the climate prevailing in a school unit, school culture, logistics infrastructure, the relationship of the school with the local community, and the management system of the educational organization. The introduction of inclusive education contributes to the elimination of social inequalities, and it facilitates the access of all pupils to educational opportunities, regardless of their descent, able-bondedness, family or social origin and intellectual level. However, the State's decision to introduce the institution into the school community is not sufficient. Inclusive education in order to be effective also presupposes the support of the institution with both material and intangible resources. Finally, the effectiveness of the school unit cannot be easily defined. This is mainly due to the different organizational and management models adopted by each school unit. Theoretical approaches to organizational effectiveness have led to the development of various models, each of which emphasizes different efficiency criteria. The main categories are adaptability, productivity, participation, continuation and response to interest groups.