The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of late pregnancy on tear secretion in Romanov sheeps. The study material consists of a total of 54 Romanov breed sheep, with pregnant (n = 27, group 1) and non pregnant (n = 27, group 2) housed under the same care and nutrition conditions between ages 9 months - 4 years old. Tear secretion was measured with Schirmer Tear Test (STT) respectively. It was found that tear production levels in the Group 1 (12.48 ± 3.72 mm/min) were not significantly different than the Group 2 (11.59 ± 4.07 mm/min) with a p value of 0,406. As a result, we think that there is not enough study about tear secretion in late pregnant sheep and this study is also important for future studies.
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