Efficacy of self instructional module [sim] on primary school teacher’s knowledge regarding identification of learning disability in school children

Learning disabilities is a genetic term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing ,reasoning or mathematical ability. The study was planned to assess the effectiveness of SIM on knowledge regarding identification of learning disability in school children among primary school teachers in selected schools of Bhopal. Pre-experimental approach with one group pretest posttest design was used for 30 school teachers. All participants are female teachers, 50% did not attended any classes related to identification of learning disability previously. The knowledge score gained by the respondents in the results shows that mean value of knowledge in pretest was 7.6 and a posttest was 20.9. Paired “t” test result shows that obtained “t” value is greater than table value shows SIM was highly effective to improve the knowledge of primary school teachers regarding identification of learning disability.

Jubin Varghese and Saniya Susan Issac
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