Evaluation criteria for dental bur selection, its usage, cleansing and disposal

Aim: To compare the criteria for dental bur selection,its usage,cleansing and disposal among undergraduates,postgraduates and clinicians . Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the criteria for bur selection, usage of bur, cleansing and disposal protocol followed by different operator group and to evaluate the need of formulation of guidelines regarding dental bur selection, its use ,cleansing and disposal for standarisation of choice ,applicability and to avoid misuse. Methodology: The study involves a questionnaire survey conducted among the undergraduates, postgraduates and clinicians of Nagpur. Results: Data from the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 16 software. The results were analyzed statistically and were represented in the percentage form. ANOVA revealed significant differences (P<0.0001) in opinion among the three groups operators Conclusion: The present survey will enable to understand the protocol for handling of the dental burs in routine practice.

Dr. Ganesh Bajaj, Dr.Sneha Raul, Dr. Jaykumar Gade, Dr. Grishmi Niswade and Dr. Mangesh Ulemale
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