Today, a woman is very uncertain about her very existence. She is always unsure about her life because she is always at a risk of being crushed at any moment. No place is safe for women, not even in their mother's wombs. In India the status of girl child reflects serious gender based differences, inequalities and discrimination. Preference for son in the society and discrimination against girl child are interlinked due to interplay of different factors. Despite widespread progress in improving the health, nutrition and education of children, the situation of girls continue to be disadvantaged compared to that of boys. Girls are often seen as less important to family and community life than boys regardless of the fact that girl children constitute one fourth of population in India. Indian society, like most of the society’s world over, is patrilineal, patriarchal and patrilocal. The marked gap between boys and girls, which has nationwide implications, is the result of decisions made at the most local level the family. Keeping in view the above said facts this present study has been design with the objective to study the relationships between declining child sex ratio and some of the human development indicators. The data for this purpose was collected through secondary sources. An analysis of the data reveals that there was a marginal increase in the following five decades and it reached to 976 in 1991, but in the beginning of 21st century it started declining to 970 from 976. District wise analysis shows that Kangra district has lowest child sex ratio followed by Una, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Solan (899) according to 2011 census. The rest of the seven districts are having child sex ratio more than 900.