Increasing the efficiency of non-destructive methods of the diagnosis power cable lines up to 35 kv

Efficient non-destructive methods of the diagnostics power cable lines are considered in the article. Also are presented applicable overseas methods of the diagnostics power cable line by voltage up to 35 kV: measurements and localizations of partial category cable lines; the measurements and analysis of the revocable voltage in insulating the cable; the measurements of the current to relaxations in insulating the stitched polyethylene of the cables; the measurements of dielectric features insulating cables; pulse of reflect meter for fault localizations (low-impedance) in power cable lines; checking the wholeness of the power cables shell and determination of faulty places in sheath. It Is offered for power cables of the different design and insulation by voltage 6-35 kV as the most economical sparing method of the test by variable voltage over low frequencies 0,1 Hz and equipment’s in composition of mobile laboratories.

Zubaydullaev, M.B., Raksitullaeva, D.I., Atamukhamedova, R.F. and Sulton, I.R.
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