Information giving effect to knowledge mothers with babies of infant massage

Future baby's development is a critical period in the event of a person is aged 0-12 months. At this time the baby is in desperate need of stimulation of the growth in the form of infant massage. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of giving information to the knowledge of mothers with babies on infant massage. This study design was one group pretest-posttest design done in Puskesmas Sei Langkai in February-August 2017 with a 2648 population of mothers with babies aged 0-12 months and a sample of 265 respondents, sampling using purposive sampling with questionnaires. Analysis of data using T-test analysis techniques. Results mean knowledge of mothers with babies before being given information after 22.52 ± 1.51 and 28.16 ± 0 supplied information, 76 out of a total score of 30, an increase of 5.64, T-Test test results obtained p 0.000 (p <0.05). In conclusion, there is the effect of the provision of information to the knowledge of mothers with babies on infant massage. Suggestions that the respondent can apply the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Arum Dwi Anjani, Devy Lestari Nurul Aulia, and Chablullah Wibisono
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