Invest less earn more: discovery of India’s trivial sources for the production of biofuel; accessibility to biodiesel is a boon not a curse in India

With the advancement of the 21st century the world has witnessed a drastic change in field of industrialization. Rapid boost in the demand of energy sources has projected to accession the prices due to expanding urbanization and rapid increase in population. This has lead to the depletion of energy resources i.e. fossil fuels and many countries are suffering from energy crises due to lack of crude petroleum within the country. So the time has come where we have to find an alternative source of fuel which can be produced with the help of resources available within the countries. In present scenario bio- fuels are becoming more and more attractive because of the relevancy it earns from its low price and its environmental advantages. This paper reviews the history of biofuel vehicles. This paper will evaluate the cheap and easiest method for biodiesel production and various results will show “Jatropha” as the main contender for biodiesel feedstock. This paper also gives an eyeful view on the more economically viable and sustainable feedstock for ethanol. Based on various analysis it will also predict the opportunities for greening the countryside and creating rural employment and income in India.

Vipul Shrivastava
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