The study examines the preservation and management of records in some selected hospitals in Lagos State, Nigeria. A survey design was used while a total of 70 hospital staff was sampled. Questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. Data gathered were analyzed using frequency counts and simple percentages. Findings revealed that admission register has 100 records; patient case note has 97 records; nursing and ward has 93 records; x-ray has 91 film records; while other records are less than 90 records. The analysis of mechanism put in place for effective management of records in surveyed hospitals revealed that care in handling hospital records, Confidentiality of records, security of records and avoidance of water contact/bad weather are major mechanism employed in the hospitals.The major preservation methods/techniques applied in keeping records in surveyed hospitals are computerization, binding and lamination.The study recommends among other things in hospital surveyed; provision of infrastructural facilities for record preservation; formulation of preservation policies and application of ICT in management and preservation of hospital records.