Frequent errors in the translation from english into spanish in the teaching of students

The interaction between two languages, the native and the foreign, gives rise to the phenomenon known as inter language with this. This influence can be positive or negative (Interference). The research addresses the identification, which is the influence that the foreign language receives from the mother tongue and interchange of linguistic interferences (negative influences or errors) in the translation of technical English into Spanish during the teaching and learning process, where Spanish is the mother tongue; in the career of Industrial Engineering in an Ecuadorian university, this identification constitutes the objective of the investigation. For its development, a guide for the identification of interferences, the transcription of videos and the translation of specialized texts were used as fundamental means. We worked with 90 students sample 30 students for each English Level, which constitute the majority of students enrolled in English in the race. The fundamental result was the identification, classification and linguistic interferences analysis, information that served as bases in the design of the necessary strategies to reduce the errors of inter language in the process of teaching and learning English in this career.

Johanna Guadalupe VélezCedeño, Andrea Patricia Albán Vinueza and Dolores Katerine Lara Alcivar
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