Experimental results on the auc of the bi-generalized exponential roc model using spread sheet functions

In medical diagnosis, testing of the performance of a particular diagnostic test is a common and good practice, after classifying the subjects in to different groups by various classification techniques, in particularly binary classification. Assessment of the performance of a diagnostic test can be achieved by Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve, simply denoted by AUC. For Diseased (D) and Healthy (H) normal populations, Bi-exponential model gives a closed form expression to the Area under the Curve (AUC). In this paper we report the results of simulated experiments on the properties of the AUC of the bi-generalized exponential ROC model. We first study the sensitivity of the AUC to changes in Scale parameter (λ) and Location parameter (µ). We will show that changes in λ do not alter the AUC of the model but with fixed scale parameter in D and H groups the AUC changes quickly when the distance between the location parameters is changed. Numerical illustrations for the proposed method are given with simulated data.

Prasuna.Ch and R.V.S. Nagabhushana Rao and Dr.K.Sujatha
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