We conducted study from 01-09-2013 to 31-08-2014 i.e., for 12 months. 35 cases of organ phosphorus poisoning were admitted at Government General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India. The cases were studied on various epidemiological parameters and Proforma prepared for detailed data. In our study the majority of victims were males, married, Hindu, Literate, from rural area, medium socioeconomic group and common age of victims is 21 to 30 years. The common mode of poisoning is suicidal, one is accidental poison in child and one is occupational as contact poison while spraying .No homicidal poison was reported in our study. Majority victims have consumed poison in day time, commonly abused poison is monochrotophos, and approximate amount of poison consumed by majority of the victims is 200 ml to 500ml and majority were admitted within 3to6hours of consumption of poison. The common motive of poisoning was suicidal in both male (24cases) and female (10cases), especially young victims from rural domicile with agricultural occupation. The majority of victims consumed poison in summer followed by winter season. The probable reason is rain dependent agricultural occupation, unemployment, joint family and medium socioeconomic status of population of this area.