Studies On The Nutritive Value And Fatty Acid Contents In Fingerlings Of Catla Catla Fed On Traditional Diet And Freeze Dried Tubifex

The Indian major carp Catla catla is a promising species for aquaculture exploitation for its growth and good market potential. It is commonly preferred, consumed and considered as a low cost fish by all the economic group of people. To gain knowledge on the nutritional stand point of this fish , the nutritive value and fatty acid contents of muscle tissue was analysed based on feeding formulated diet which included freeze dried tubifex instead of fish meal to aseess the nutritional value. The feed comprised of groundnut oil cake as control diet, freeze dried tubifex combined with groundnut oil cake as experimental diet. The results show better nutritive values and an increased fatty acid content in fishes fed with freeze dried tubifex combined with groundnut oil cake mixture.

Saravanan, R., Samyappan, K., Gnanavel, K. and Purushothaman, K.
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