Nosocomialin factions remain a significant hazard for hospital izedpatients. Stethoscopes because of their universal use by medical professionals can be a potential source of nosocomialin factions. This study was under taken to determine the stethoscope-cleaning practices among medical health providers, to show whether the stethoscope is a potential source of nosocomialin faction; and to compare the effectiveness of common antiseptics (i.e.70% isopropyl alcohol) in disinfecting stethoscopes. Health care providers were asked how often they clean their stethoscopes. Results show that only 4.5% of health care providers (3of66) cleaned their stethoscope each day and no one clean it between examining each patient. To find out the bacterial contamination of stethoscopes used by health-care staff. Swab samples were taken from the surface of the diaphragm of the stethoscopes used by health personnel and were inoculated on to bacteriological and mycological media. For identification of the microorganisms, conventional methods and Vitek2 (Biomérieux) were performed. We found bacterial and fungal contamination on 92 (76%) of the stethoscopes. 15out90 (16.3%) had potential pathogens including methicillin susceptible Staphylococcusaureus (5), methicillin resistance Staphylococcusaureus (4), Escherichiacoli (3), Acinetobacterbaumannii, Acinetobacterhaemolyticus and Enter ococcus spp. The statistical difference between the two groups in terms of pathogen and micro organ ismisolation was not determined (p>0.05). Although steth oscopesareuncritical medical devices, they could contain path ogenmicroorganisms and they migh tbeapotential source of hospital acquired infections. Thi scontamination can be Greatly reduced by cleansing with soap and water, 70% is opropylalcohol. Were commend the disinfection of stetho scopes regularly. The effect of disinfection of stethoscope on the growth of microorganism has been evaluated by ODD’S Ratio and it was found that cleanliness of stethoscope has significant effect in controlling growth of microorganism. This inference is further strengthened by using chi square statistic which proved that at p<0.001, the disinfection of stethoscope significantly reduced the growth of microorganism. The growth of individual microorganisms however, can be assessed using chi square statistic and significant effect of stethoscope cleanliness was attained. Paired t test was applied on the set of data to compare the mean effect of stethoscope cleanliness which was not significant in the present case (p<0.001 and <0.05). Summary: This prospective surveillance has aims to identify stethoscope hygiene habits among hospital medical persons in a Tertiary care teaching hospitals in India. We collect swab from the surface of stethoscope diaphragm after completing the ward visiting end of the each day from the junior and senior resident doctors over first six months. On the next six months resident doctors are using in house stethoscope of the ITU pre disinfection with isopropyl alcohol in between in each patient by the nurse. The swab taken from the stethoscope showing growth of various pathogenic microorganisms. A total 63 junior residents are followed over one year.