The Didactics And Pedagogy Of Sexuality And Reproductive Health Of Adolescents In Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

The transition from childhood to adolescence sets in with biological and social changes which might have disruptive behaviours amongst adolescents if the adolescents are not well guided at this stage. Adolescents often lack proper social skills to cope with the pressure of adolescent life. One area needing assistance of adolescents regards sexuality and reproductive health. This paper explores and describes the pedagogical and didactic factors affecting mother-child adolescent communication with regard sexuality and reproductive health education of the adolescent in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. This paper found that adolescents at this study could not receive proper education regarding sexuality and reproductive health because the majority of their mothers were not involved in this education. As a result, adolescents at this study area were exposed to many kinds of socio-economic risks. Parents – especially mothers should be educated through workshops and seminars on the need to get involved in sexuality and reproductive health issues of their children – especially during adolescence.

Tinyiko Enneth Nkhwashu and Mavhungu Abel Mafukata
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