Most of the people today agree that organizational life is more uncertain as the pace of change quickens and the future becomes more unpredictable. Other than the individual factors organizational factors such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment are most important variables in predicting cope when change process is going in the organization. The present study aimed at finding out the relationship between job satisfaction, and. organizational commitment on coping with organizational change,. Three different organizations such as Insurance (53), BPO (49) and Production (68) which had undergone changes were chosen for the study. All the three organizations had undergone recent acquisition. Total sample size was 170 (male = 120 and female = 50) which includes junior, middle and senior management employees. Pearson product moment correlation was used to find out the relationship between the variables.A strong positive relationship was found between all the three variables. The present study implied the importance of job satisfaction and organizational commitment during change process.