The present research work was done in Nadia district in the State of West Bengal during January, 2011 to December, 2013. Livestock rearing provided employment and supplementary income to the vast majority of rural households, the majority of whom were landless and marginal farmers. Keeping in view of its association “a front line demonstration on feeding and housing management systems of dairy cattle” had been initiated by Nadia Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Gayeshpur, Nadia with two specific objectives viz., (i) to study the demographic profile of the dairy farmers and (ii) to study the housing and feeding systems followed by the farmers for keeping dairy under village conditions. The data had been collected through face-to-face interview and by direct observation method. Analysis of the data revealed that the dairy farming was much popular amongst the SC (40.4%), followed by ST (25.2%) and OBC (22%), whereas only 12.4% of dairy farmers belonged to General caste. Women members of farmers’ family played a major role (61.2%) in the rearing of dairy. However, the male members of the family were also involved (38.8%) in rearing of the animals. From demographic profile, housing and feeding systems study, it could be concluded that dairy farming was still an occupation of poor community.