Cost Analysıs Of Pressure Ulcers, Inpatıent Falls And Medıcatıon Errors İn Acıbadem Healthcare Group

Objective: Calculate the cost of treatment of pressure ulcers, inpatient falls and medication errors in Acibadem Healthcare Group (AHG) hospitals. Method: The cost of treatment of patients developing pressure ulcers by stages, inpatient falls by groups and total medication errors in AHG hospitals was calculated for 2014. These costs were gathered through pricing department. Population: All patients developing pressure ulcers, inpatient falls and medication errors in 12 hospitals of AHGin 2014. Findings and Results: As a result of cost analysis conducted in AHG, it was established that for pressure ulcers the cost of nursing care was minimum $11.6 and maximum $30, the cost of hospital accommodation (bed & room) was $862 to $6,039 and the cost ranges of wound care products, physician consultation (per visit), surgical intervention, medications, laboratory tests were from $9.6 to $192.7, $92.5 to $127.2, $138 to $16,190, $57.8 to $7,709 and $75.5 respectively. It was concluded that the total cost of pressure ulcers by stages were in the range of $1,242 to $104,247. For inpatient falls, it was found that the cost of nursing care was minimum $7.7 and maximum $154.2, the cost of hospital accommodation (bed & room) was $575 to $862.7 and the cost ranges of 2-3 days follow-up, 3-4 days follow-up, physician consultation (per visit), imaging, surgical intervention, medications and supplies and intensive care follow-up were from $285.6 to $428.3, $862.3 to $1,150, $92.5 to $127.2, $1,497 to $1,575, $298.8 to $19,275, $78.6 and $771 to $1,735 respectively. The total cost of inpatient falls by groups was in the range of $3,162 to $14,706. The total cost of medication errors for AHG was determined as $67,697.

Saliha KOC
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