Recently, there has been a rise in the number of adult patients looking for orthodontic treatment with requirements regarding the duration of treatment and aesthetics. Wilckodontics is a clinical procedure that combines selective alveolar corticotomy, particulate bone grafting, and the application of orthodontic forces. This procedure is theoretically based on the bone healing pattern known as the regional acceleratory phenomenon (RAP). Two case reports display a technique that reduces the treatment time and also reshape the alveolar housing simultaneously. An 18-year-old female patient and a 20-year-old female patient reported in the clinic with the chief complaint of forwardly placed upper front teeth. The surgery included buccal full thickness flap, decortication of cortical plates, concomitant bone grafting and primary flap closure. After this procedure, orthodontic adjustments were done every 2 weeks. Both the cases were approximately completed in 6-7 months with satisfactory results in a short period of time.