In recent years, orphanhood associated with HIV and AIDS has become a concern for many governments and organizations. As a result governments and non-governmental organizations have developed variant interventions to address the crisis and enable orphans cope. This study sought to assess the support provided by Integrated Child and Youth Development Project to orphans in Mumbuni Location and reveal how orphanhood is conceptualized in the community as well as bring to light the orphans’ specific needs and the community’s response. The study employed a combination of qualitative field-based methods of data collection which included in-depth interviews, observations, focus group discussions and review of existing reports. Collected data confirmed that there was increased number of orphans in the location who were mostly cared for by grandmothers. It revealed that the dynamics associated with HIV and AIDS have led to a shifting definition of an orphan to align with the reality of the pandemic. Orphans in the location face multiple problems and challenges which if not addressed could limit their academic achievement and prospect for employment in adulthood. The study suggests that the community can meet orphans’ needs with minimum external assistance if well mobilized to do so.