Secrete and experiment of transformation of dead protein into alive amino acids in our body. It is dna molecule which triggers this transformation by virtue of divine mechanics(ccp , code pcps and cp) or fed thoughts by highest center of universe during p

It is being believed that dead cells could not be made alive by any experiment. But Nature has set a system where dead material eaten during meals get transformed into living material of life and thus we grow. DNA is a self replicating molecule of life. It triggers thoughts from CCP i.e. activation of life thoughts and suppression of death thoughts from higher center(B.B.B) present in DNA. These thoughts are triggered by unconditioned or conditioned thought expressions from thought script CCP. It is TM(time mindness or biological clock) that triggers and regulates these thought expressions step by step. These thoughts are transcripted as informations Code PcPs activation of life and CodePcPs suppression of death separately. These are carried by mRNA from nucleus to cytoplasm by second transcription(photon carries informations) where they(Code PcPs. activation of life information and Code PcPs suppression of death information) are shifted to peptide chain or protease enzyme during translation phenomenon. Having come in contact with protease enzyme , dead A.As of dead proteins transform into Alive A.As during digestion in intestine. That is how life is triggered from dead protein of animals eaten through meals. These thoughts (DNA script) are fed thoughts and feeding was done in pre creation era in the B.B.Bs of DNA (protease enzyme script) by Highest center of the Universe. There is feedback to higher center(B.B.B) before next thought is triggered. There are many thoughts that trigger the phenomenon. But to understand the concept only two thoughts are depicted in diagram. Life effects are nothing but higher thought expression of B.B.Bs. Formation of atoms and particles are due to lower thought expressions. During the origin of life , it was unconditioned thought expressions that lead to formation of first life i.e. green blue algae on earth. It was due to fed thoughts and feeding was done in pre creation era by Highest center of the universe. Highest center has only power to trigger same phenomenon by unconditioned working of nature as It did 3.5 billions years back when first life appeared on earth by formation of blue green algae. If this prediction gets true , the entire hypothesis would be confirmed and dead cells could be made alive.

Das, V.M.
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