Organizational Citizenship Behavior Of Non Academic Staff Members In The University System Of Sri Lanka: A Case Study In University Of Jaffna

The main aim of this study is to find out the impact of leader member exchange & other exchanges (LMX O) and empowerment on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of non academic staff members of the University of Jaffna. Organizational citizenship behavior is vital for the effective performance of the staff in the organizations. Many organizations are giving a very high degree of importance on the organizational citizenship behavior of the staff to achieve their organizational goals in an effective way. This study was done among the non-academic staff of University of Jaffna, through the primary data. Descriptive, regression and correlation analysis were done. According to the quantitative analysis the impact of leader member exchange and other exchanges (LMX O) on organizational citizenship behavior is at a high level (P < 0.01). Further, there is a significant impact of empowerment on organizational citizenship behavior of non-academic staff members of the University of Jaffna. Correlation analysis confirmed that there is a significant relationship among leader member exchange and other exchanges, empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior of non-academic staff of the University of Jaffna. Descriptive analysis has shown that courtesy as an antecedent of OCB has the highest mean value (6.0159) among the antecedent factors of OCB on the contribution to the organizational citizenship behavior of non-academic staff of the University of Jaffna. Management of the University of Jaffna should ensure ways of maintaining the optimum level of leader member exchange and other exchanges and empowerment of non-academic staff to maintain the effective organization citizenship behavior in the University of Jaffna.

Kandeepan, V.
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