Employee is the main resource for organization. Recently, there were many concerns of staff resignation within industries. High staff turnovers cause increase of costs of hiring workforces. Owing this issue, “Assessment of Factor of Employee’s Turnover” was proposed for research with the objective of examination of factors causing staff resignation from MVi. In total 26 staff both women and men who resigned 2016 and 2017 was selected for interview. Quantitative data was used. Three main steps were done including research questionnaires and material development, sampling technique and criteria and data analysis and reporting. There were four main parts: the degree of staff satisfaction of each of the variables (1 to 12), the correlation between each of variable (1 to 12) with overall satisfaction, the causes of staff resign of the variable (13-27) and the correlation between each of the staff resign causes (variable 13 to 27). All those data have been transformed into non-parameter with the Spearmen Rho. MVi staff members were appreciated working with MVi. The satisfaction of each variable were that the staff scored high for most factors like staff leave, communication with colleagues, staff capacity development opportunities and roles and responsibilities. Former staff who worked in 2016 and 2017 was most appreciated with the factors above. Three factors which scored by respondents were very low in comparison with other factors. Those are work overload, job security and salary. All those factors were located between score 3 (neutral and score 4 (satisfied). Among 12 satisfaction variables, three of them were most significantly positively related to staff motivation. For internal factors, the average score was 3.19 which represents mostly true of the statement above. The variables which were significantly related to staff resignation were communication with superiors, finding higher position with new agencies better salaries and benefits from new agency. The recommendations were produced including awarding for staff, review salary scale, tasks, maintaining staff. Qualitative research to explore what job security, salary, and work-overloads are not significantly related to staff satisfaction should be done. The qualitative research on factors of staff resign should be done.