Operations Of Rural Banks And Credit Supply In Ghana; A Study Of Some Selected Rural Banksin The Brong Ahafo Region Of Ghana

The rural communities of Ghana have little access to credit facilities due to the rigid and stringent criteria for accessing loans from the commercial banks. An attempt by the government to improve the credit facilities of the rural entrepreneurs resulted in the introduction of Rural Banking scheme in 1976. Data from the banks were obtained through self-administeredquestionnaire at the project department of the banks. Three selected rural banks in the Brong Ahafo region were used for the study. The study revealed that, the Rural Banks (RBs) did not operate according to Bank of Ghana’s credit policy guidelines. Other findings need mentioning were that, access to credit was very high (84%) and average loan size has been increased almost 85% between 2008 and 2012. Delinquency rate was found to be very high for the Rural Banks’ loan beneficiaries especially among the farmers and cottage industrialists. It is therefore recommended that loans to farmers should be approved at the beginning of the farming season and also part of the loan should be used to purchase inputs for the farmers and cottage industrialists to reduce diversion of loans and defaulting rate.

*Kodom Amponsah Michael
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