Pharmacological review of brihat saindhavadi taila

Brihat Saindhavadi Taila is multi-herbo-mineral oil which contains fourteen important herbs, three types of Lavana and Kshara in equal quantity and Mastu, Kanji, Kwath and Eranda taila in one Prastha quantity. The present study provides updated information on its pharmacological properties and probable mode of action of Brihat Saindhavadi Taila. In Bhavaprakasha it is mentioned that it can be used for Abhyanga, Pana or Basti. The base of the taila is Eranda Taila. The crude drugs of Brihat Saindhavadi Taila prepared in the form of oil is found to be useful in treating Amavata, Sarvavatavyadhi, Kati, Janu, Uru Roga, Sandhiroga, Parsvashoola, Hridayaroga, Vankshana disease and Antravriddhi as the active principles is found to have Vatakaphashamak, Deepan, Bhedana, Amasodhana, Srotovisodhana, Sothahara, Angamarda-prashamana, digestive, hepato-protective and laxative properties.

Dr. Gupta, R. K., Dr. Jain, J. K., Dr. Dwivedi, O. P. and Dr. Singhai, S. S.
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