The role of the pharmacist in achieving therapeutic efficacy and cost effectiveness in the management of allergic rhinitis

Introduction: The explosive growth in the number and variety of drugs has proven the pressing need for health professionals who can provide both physicians and patients with medical advice on the drugs available and on the potential adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Therefore, counseling and consultation have become a key component of pharmacist-provided patient care activities. Pharmaceutical care as a new direction in pharmacy practice has evolved over the years. Pharmaceutical care is focused on promoting patient-centered health care that should supplement rather than supplant the care provided by physicians and other health professionals. Pharmaceutical care has risen to the challenges of the increased prescription volume, the wide variety of new drugs, and the need for comprehensive drug-related information. (2) Objectives: To outline the role of the pharmacist in the responsible provision of therapeutically appropriate and cost-effective disease management Methods and materials: We examined the therapeutic algorithm in the management of allergic rhinitis in order to define the pharmacist’s role in providing both medical advice on a self-medication programme, and professional assessment of health conditions that require physician supervision to guarantee patient safety. Results: Pharmacists play a key role in providing professional advice on a self-medication programme for the treatment of intermittent and mild persistent allergic rhinitis. In these cases, appropriate management with OTC antihistamines can ensure good disease control and reduce healthcare spending for individuals and health insurance funds alike.

Tsvetkova, A., Todorova, A., Tsvetkov, L., Mihailova, S. and Dimitrov, M.
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