Shrimaya jag taarni -- guruvani (1) means akoahum bahushymi means universe “i” or hoyal narlikar universe. means two god particles (truth or eternal structure or eternity or primary god or twahid) transformed into created universe (maya - tertiary god and

It is being believed that Muslims do not do idol worship. It is myth. Before origin of the universe all things were in form of tachyons particles which are made up of two basic building blocks – Yang and Yin or mind and mass part of reality (Not set of informations Code PcPs – Originator of all sets of informatins Code PcPs). To understand concept of idol worship we have to understand Basic Building Blocks (B.B.B – Mind – CCP, Code PcPs or set of informations and CP and Mass -- Fig 1). The Creator B.B.B or Almighty B.B.B has considered them as smallest idols. Hence He has made idol picture of male and female parallel to these B.B.Bs Fig 1. The fundamental belief of all religions on which the base (Main Pillars) of all religions is stood are these two God particles and the fundamental worship is Idol worship of these two God particles. At the end of universe all sciences fundamentals (shapes, laws, and properties) would be no more but religious fundamental about God particles and their Idol worship would persist in form of “I” or “Satyam Shivum Sunderum ” Muslim do believe that Allaha means The Creator only. After researching 99 names of Allaha in the light of science and the paper published in Journal (12), we found that the word Allaha means – Primary God, Secondary God, tertiary God, trinity, and Tawhid. in the light of science. His portrait Fig 20 represents Tachyon particle (One yang B.B.B and many Yins B.B.B) apart from Creation and Destruction of universe under control of Almighty B.B.B. The admiring of this Almighty B.B.B is Allaha ho Akbar. Worship of Tertiary God is also Idol worship as these are made up of smallest idol of the universe Fig 21. Hence All worships are Idol worship in this universe as all are made up of smallest idol called B.B.Bs, the true fundamental belief of all religions. This belief persists even after destruction of the universe in form of “I” Sikh theology informs us that there are 3 aspects or qualities (Guuns) of Maya - Raj Guun, Tamo Guun and Sato Guun. Prior to Sikhism within Hinduism it was expressed by Krishna to Arjuna summing it up as Sat Gun produces Gyaan (knowledge), Rajo Gun produces greed (attachment of karm and their fruits), and Tamo Gun produces Moh (laziness and craziness also). Say No to Char Dham (MAYA or Holy places or created universe) Or Macca – Madina etc Only One True Religious Place (also a Holy Place) where one does prayer if one sees two god particles or tachyon particle by brain whose photo depiction and reconstruction is Lord Natraz or Allah ho Akbar.

Das, V.M.
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