Solid Waste Hazards And Strategies For Better Management In India

In the past, we used to throw our garbage onto the roadsides for the scavenger animals to scatter and eat. Then that was an acceptable method of handling wastes since the materials we threw were constituted almost totally of organic matters particularly kitchen and food residues. In the rural areas , the wastes used to be dumped in a corner of the household and later used as a manure along with cow dung. But with the progress of civilization and industrialization manufactured consumer goods have taken over a large share of the market. As a consequence we have seen the advent of another kind of scavenger, the rag pickers, who collect from wastes those materials that still have some monetary value. Now a days even in our small towns we generate hundreds of tons of waste materials – market wastes, kitchen and food wastes, hospital wastes, paper, plastics, metals and glass pieces and many other things. The average daily generation of solid wastes in the metropolitan cities like Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay and Madras amount to approximately 3000 – 5000 metric tons. To manage this tremendous generation of wastes, careful waste management practices have therefore become urgent. The present paper mainly depends on secondary data. The objective of the paper is to describe the present scenario of solid waste generation, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal methodology in our country. Potential environmental and human health effects resulting from waste generation and disposal are also briefly discussed. This paper would also helps to discuss in detail about different approaches and technologies available for solid waste hazard management. Solid waste policy in India and has also given importance. According to the MoEF Report for 12th five year plan, current status, performance during 11th plan and recommendations for 12th plan for every type of hazards are also discussed. The data presented in this paper have been taken selectively from statistical reports produced by government agencies, international organisations, and from research papers published in the scientific journals.

*Debolina Ghosh and Dr. Udaybhanu Bhattacharyya
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