The present study is a clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Mahapasmul Decoction (MD) on Obesity and type II diabetes. Diagnosed patients were selected from Ayurveda Teaching Hospital at Borella from the period of January 2015 to May 2016. Thirty patients (30) who had BMI between 25 to 45 and fasting blood glucose <200 mg/dl were included in the study. Subjective assessment criteria were the sympoms of obesity with proper grading whereas objective criteria were BMI, body circumferences, skin-fold thickness, Lipid profile and FBS. Data were analyzed by using SPSS statistical software. In this study, Mahapasmul Decoction was given for eight weeks, 120 ml twice a day, before meal with 5ml Bee honey. Mahapasmul Decoction improved most of the signs and symptoms of obesity,most of the body circumferences, BMI (from 35.30 ±0.85 to 32.53±0.92), Skin Fold Thickness, Triglyceride (from122.73 ± 1.68 to126.45 ±1.10), and Fasting Blood Sugar (from 95.68 ±1.67 to 91.91 ± 1.54 ) in statistically highly significant manner (p<0.001) whereas the improvement of excessive thirst, excessive sweating, and drowsiness is statistically significant.(p< 0.05). Considering lipid profile, MD improved Triglyceride, Fasting blood sugar in statistically highly significant manner (P<0.001), whereas the reduction of LDL is statistically significant (p<0.05). Collectively, MD is composed of Katu(20%), Tikta(100%) and Kashaya rasa (100%); Laghu (100%), Ruksha (66.6%) and Guru guna (16.6%); Ushanavirya (66.6%); and Katuvipaka (100%). The pharmaco-dynamic properties of MD reduce kapha-meda and increase agni. Hence, MD is efficacious on promoting digestive power and correcting sroto-avarodha. Finally, it may be concluded that Mhapasmul Decoction is effective on most of the subjective and objective parameters of Obesity and type II Diabetes.