Study on microbial count of the bacterial and fungal colonies of the selected tree canopy soils related with urban greening in nirmala college campus, coimbatore, tamilnadu, India

Trees contribute significantly to the aesthetic beauty of cities, thereby helping to maintain the psychological health of the inhabitants. The most explosive urban growth is expected in India. In urban environments human alter these soil-forming factors by impacts associated with urban infrastructure. As a result of impacts associated with urban infrastructure, arborists and urban landscape managers perform remedial management actions to make urban soils more suitable plant-growing environments, remedial soil management actions include irrigation, aeration, radial trenching, mulching, and fertilization, all of which further alter the physical, chemical and biological properties and thus the nitrogen status of urban soils. Soil microbes are affected by various abiotic and biotic factors in urban ecosystem due to land use change. The effects of different land use patterns on soil microbial properties and soil quality. With the development of urbanization and individualization, the rapid expansion of urban space and the intense of human activities significantly affected ecosystems services. In the present study, Bacterial colony of the selected tree canopy soils from the college campus were analyzed and the resulted.

Arul Sheeba Rani, M. and Mary Josephine, R.
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