Quran is written by Highest center of universe (Allah Tala or Creator B.B.B or Lord Natraz or Allah Hu Akbar) and was downloaded 1400 years back by unconditioned thought expression to Mohammad Sahib (Fig 9.1). Malnutrition among children (under 5 years) is a challenge and it is by virtue of imbalance in milk production and milk producing animals that is caused by slaughtering of cows, goats and buffalos for eating and for sacrifice for kurbani globally. Allaha prohibited pig eating because He knows that pig like animals that are milk producing or mammals if slaughtered more in 20th century would lead to different types of malnutrition among children under 5 years in developing countries like India etc due to inflation in milk. To combat malnutrition, among children under 5 years, all mammals especially, cow and buffo low that contribute much in milk production globally, should be banned for slaughtering for eating and for sacrifice in any puja globally . This could balance in ecology of milk production and milk producing animals leading to control in hunger and malnutrition in 2021 century (2)