Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Analysis of a pro-poor-program for welfare conditions of households in Rwanda

The present research named ‘‘the analysis of a pro-poor program for welfare conditions of households in Rwanda'': Case study of Nyagisozi Sector in Nyanza District was undertaken from 2009 to 2013. The main objective of this paper is an attempt to analyze the pro-poor program for welfare condition through the Vision Umurenge Program (VUP) as an approach for poverty alleviation. The study used techniques of questionnaire adressed to the sample population of 378 in collection of primary data and interview where seconadry data were collected using documentation. To evaluate VUP performance, statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) where descriptive and inferential statistics have been used in data analysis. The analysis show that before VUP inauguration in Nyagisozi Sector, the level of life were very cheap and categorized in three main lives (bad live at 55.8%, moderate life 41.5% and good live 2.6%). After the VUP introduction in Nyagisozi Sector, their lives were changed vice versa where bad life is at 7.7% comparatively to before VUP introduction in this Sector. The analysis confirmed that VUP contribute positively to the welfare condition so as the data clearly show significant correlation where VUP activities increases, poverty decreases in observable steps. Moreover, between two variables of VUP increasing activities and Poverty alleviations, there is correlation of 0.546 which indicated positive linear correlation of two variables.

HARELIMANA Jean Bosco and GASHEJA Faustin
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