Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Impact on increasing anthropogenic pressure to the variability of cembranoid compounds derived of softcoral sinulariasp from manado the waters and their antitumor activity

The aim of this research was to understand the impact on increasing anthropogenic pressure to the variability of Cembranoid Compounds derived of CoralSinularia sp derived from Manado the waters and their cytotoxic activity against HeLa tumor.The coverage of corals was conducted at 4-6 mdepth, with 30 m using line intercept transects ( LIT). Analysis of the structure of coral reef communities is based on underwater photography by category of sponges, hard corals, soft corals, algae, rubble and sand, using software CPCe 3.6 (Kohler & Gill, 2006). In situ analysis of of phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, dissolved oxygen, and pH variable using portable devices (HACH DR-890 and HACH HQ40d). Ethanolicextract was subsequent from inorganic materials using reverse phase flash chromatography, the stationary phase in the form of C18 (Phenomenex C18) as well as the mobile phase of methanol and dichloromethane (1: 1). The isolation of bioactive compounds is done by using Preparative HPLC (Shimadzu HPLC column using a Shimadzu Preparative C18 measures 250 × 21 mm). Cytotoxic test performed on HeLa cancer cell types by using the method of 3- (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl) -2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT assay). Results of water quality in Malalayang; 0:55 mg/l of phosphate, 0.035 mg/l of nitrate, 0.008 mg/l nitrite, 0.0044 mg/l ammonia, 7.94 mg/lDO and a pH of 8.12, while Bunaken; 0.1 mg/l phosphate, 0.03 mg/l nitrate, 0.05 mg/lnitrite, 0.004 mg/l ammonia, 7.97 mg/lDO and a pH of 8.22. individual characteristic compositions in Malayalang; 0-10 % of hard corals, sponges 3.12 to 17.26%, algae 2.14 to 4.16%, and sand rubble 0-20.42% 0-51.12% while Bunaken; 22.24-44.12% of hard corals, sponges 0-27.18%, algae 1.12 to 2.14%, and sand rubble 0-33.24% 0-23.42%. Antitumor activity (100mg/l) on cell mortality in Malalayang; 7864-38936% and Bunaken 11861-81281%. While types of cembranoid compounds in Malalayang 0.14% Sinularide, 0.08 % Dehydrosinularide, 0:09%Flexilarin-B, 12.10% Episinularidide acetate while in Bunaken 0.15%, 0.08%, 0.16% 12.23% respectively.

Nickson J. Kawung, Remy E.P. Mangindaan, Rizald M. Rompas, Ekowati Chasanah, Hedi I. Januar, Dewi Fajarningsih and Adolfina Sumangando
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