Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Current Issue

Factors affecting stress occurrence among working criminology students of gov. alfonso d. tan college, Philippines

Stress is constant especially when a person is studying and working at the same time. This study entitled “Factors Affecting Stress Occurrence among Working Criminology Students of Gov. Alfonso D Tan College, Philippines” aimed to assess the factors affecting stress occurrence among criminology working students in GADTC. The study utilized a descriptive quantitative method to quantify and describe the level of stress of working criminology students.

Preliminary physico-chemical & phyto-cognostical evaluation of the tinospora cordifolia (willd) miers stem in east u.p (india) region

Herbal plants are having medicinal value gaining more importance in clinical research now days due to their better pharmacological response and less side effects as compared to allopathic drugs. Plant produces primary metabolites for their basic survival and secondary metabolites for their ecological, taxonomical and biochemical differentiation and diversity.

A case report: euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis presenting as severe abdominal pain and upper gastrointestinal bleed in a patient started on sglt2 inhibitor.

EuDKA caused by SGLT2 inhibitors is thought to be rare but real entity. Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors are a relatively new class of oral antidiabetics for type 2 DM with renal and cardio protective benefits and acceptable safety profile. Although they are considered to be safe but US FDA issued a warning on use of SGLT-2 inhibitors about the risk of ketoacidosis. It is advised to health care professionals to consider the risk of EuDKA in patients who developed nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tiredness and difficulty in breathing while using it these drugs.

Implication of substance abuse on anaesthesia

Substance abuse is of global public health concern. The United Nations Office on Drug and Crime in Nigeria indicates that 14.4% (14.3 million) of people aged between 15-64 years abuse drugs. This is of particular concern to the anaesthetist as illicit drug use has multi systemic effects which if not properly managed can jeopardize the chances of a successful surgery or critical care. Anaesthetists come into contact with patients who are under the influence of these drugs for various indications.

Effect of different bio-stimulants on growth, quality and yield of chrysanthemum

The present investigation entitled effect of different bio-stimulants on growth, quality and yield of Chrysanthemumwas carried out during the rabi season 2021 on the field of ASPEE, Agricultural Research and Development Foundation, Tansa Farm, At- Nare, Taluka- Wada, Dist- Palghar, Maharashtra, India. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD).

Antibiotic susceptibility patterns among type ii diabetic patients with uti in thika level 5 hospital, kiambu county, Kenya

Background: Diabetic patients are more prone to severe UTIs, thereby posing challenges in their management. Locally there is paucity of data on the patterns of uropathogens implicated in UTIs. Antibiotics are frequently prescribed empirically which results in excessive prescription of antibiotics with precedent complications including but not limited to resistant microbial agents in the population. This study investigated the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of bacterial pathogens causing UTI in diabetic patients in Thika level 5 hospital, Kiambu County, Kenya.

Physicochemical study of marjan (corallium rubrum linn) sokhta

Shokhta /Moharraq are Unani pharmaceutical process, in this process the animal drug Carbonized. Physicochemical test were applied upon these drug the outcomes are based on following parameters; Carbonized value 89.5%, Maximum temperature 1100 0C, Water soluble matter 0.37%, Alcohol soluble matter 1.83%, pH 1% and 10% is 9.74, 10.10, Atomic absorption Spectroscopic Analysis (AAS) Results in ppm, Cd=0.018, Hg Nil, As= Nil, Pb=0.004, Ca=0.024, P=0.009, Mg=0.022.Inorganic elements use as a micronutrient in health.

Knowledge, self-perception, and learning challenges towards patient care of level ii nursing students in a private university in Cebu City

The research identifies the students' challenges in their learning process and how these challenges impact their patient care practices. Results showed that the respondents’ knowledge is not influenced by their perception and the challenges they face in online learning. It is seen that the student’s knowledge based on their grades does not affect their perception of providing patient care. Therefore, there is no significant relationship between the students' knowledge and their perception of providing patient care.

Connecting guardians of children with autism spectrum disorder (asd) and mental health professionals through dynamic application, Auteggo

This study aimed to design and develop a more insightful mobile app ‘Auteggo’ for guardians of autistic children where they can connect and consult with professionals. This is an attempt to evaluate the usability of the app in establishing a secure community for people with autism. The app is characterized by providing a safe and accessible platform for guardians of individuals and children who are autistic. It is currently in development that will help our specialists from the UAE and MENA region to connect with consumers globally to provide essential support to families and individuals.

Studies on the utility of an ultimate guide to being a tech pro for bridging a gap in digital skills of senior citizens

In a society where technology progresses at an exponential rate, old generations are unaware of the existence or use of various communication technologies. This research is aimed at analysing the causes and effects of the lack of technology understanding among the older adult population. The studies revealed that the huge generation gap and absence of such automation in their youth stages were a major cause of this problem. This puts a great deal of pressure on them as they are unable to perform certain tasks efficiently.