This book review describes Bonk, C. J. MOOCs and open education around the world. Bonk, C. J. book comprises the input of various educational scholars in the effort to explore MOOCs in excellent detail. This book is eight parts explains a broad range of concepts that are addressing a particularly topical issue about the subject of MOOCs. This composition of factors makes the views and suggestions that are made within "MOOCs and Open Education around the World" scholarly applicable and practical. The editors of this book carefully note that the study of MOOCs is closely associated with the leading academic universities in Europe and North America. Therefore, the book adopts a different approach to overcomes this obstacle by concentrating on incorporating for all levels of learning institutions with its research in MOOCs. The misconception in this book is that it highly recommends that a combination of open learning and MOOCs has the ability to solve the current educational challenges. This book can be recommended to readers who require a broad look into MOOC trends. Bonk, C. J. book provides readers a balanced viewpoint on the current situation of MOOCs including their barriers, challenges, concerns, and milestones. "MOOCs and Open Education Around the World" should be utilized as an instructional manual for advanced open education and MOOCs.