Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

A clinical trial of abhadi vati in sandhigatavata w.s.r. to osteoarthritis

Background: Sandhigatavata vis-à-vis osteoarthritis is multi-factorial, non-inflammatory degenerative joint disorder. The incidence of osteoarthritis in India is as high as 12%. It is estimated approximately 4 out of 100 people are affected by it. It is observed in the 3rd- 4th decade of life and is extremely common by age of 70 years. Almost all persons by age of 40 years have some pathological change in the weight bearing joint. 20% females and 16% males have symptomatic osteoarthritis. South Asian countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri-lanka are having higher incidence. Aim & Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Abhadi Vati in Specific subjects of Sandhigatavata. Study Design: The study was conducted on total 17 subjects of Sandhigatavata, Of which 15 subjects completed the treatment all along the study period. The patients were selected from the OPD of Sri Danappa Gurusidappa Melmalagi Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Gadag, Karnataka for the respective clinical trial. Assessment criteria: Criteria of assessment are set aside on the basis of relief in the signs and symptoms of Sandhigatavata both objectively and subjectively. Results: Among 15 subjects 06 responded moderately, 02 markedly mild improved and 03 responded well and 04 did not respond to the treatment. Interpretation and Conclusion: Though the criteria of assessment and statistical analysis reveal the efficacy of the study, the very fact that the mode of action of the drug is the base of the relief in signs and symptoms cannot be ignored. Conclusively the treatment was satisfactorily effective in the subjects.

Dr. Nishant Kaushik, Dr. Poonam Bhojak, Dr. R. V. Shettar and Dr. Rishu Sharma
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