Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Effect of manjishtadi taila picchu in the management of parikartika w.s.r. to fissure-in-ano

Fissure-in-ano is a linear boat shaped ulcer in the anal canali. It is always associated with spasm of anal sphincter, bright streaks of blood with the passage of stool and pain after defecation. Patient desist defecation rather than going through the agony, leading to constipation. Among anorectal disorders nearly 80% of patients are suffering from fissure-in-ano. Now a day’s people are busy and they don’t prefer hospital stay and surgery. Under the above circumstances, there is a need to find out simple and patient friendly medicament. Manjishatadi tail is the best drug for Vranaropana, Vedena nashnam. Hence Manjishtadi taila is preferred in Fissure-in-Ano. Moreover Manjishtadi tailaii is the drug of choice for vrana which is mentioned in Baishajaya Ratanavali. Considering the above facts, an attempt is made to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Manjishtadi taila in the management of Fissure-in-Ano. The patients attending the O.P.D. of Shree Ayurveda,ponda, Goa will be selected for the study. External application Manjishtadi taila picchu along with internal medicine like Trikatu and Swadisht Virecana choorna will be given for 30 days. Clinical response was assessed at an interval of 5 days. External application of Manjishtadi taila picchu along with internal medication shows significant effect in Fissure-in-Ano by its vedana shamaka, daha prashmana and rakta stambhna proprieties.

Mahesh Patil and Nitika Sharma
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