Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Exploring The Role Of Stress On Organizational Commitment Among Employees In Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Role Of Job Satisfaction

This study explores the role of stress on organizational commitment, focusing on employees in the hospitality industry. Work stress has become one of the most widely studied topics in research, mainly because of its importance to employees’ psychological health, which in turn affects service quality and organizational effectiveness. Stress at the workplace can cause job-related dissatisfaction. Hence, needful steps to reduce job stress are suggested based on results of the study, which will improve employees’ commitment. This study developed a new conceptual framework that considers role stress as the independent variable (IV), the job satisfaction as the mediating variable (MV), and organizational commitment is a dependent variable (DV). Using individual employees in hotel industry as the unit of analysis, the conceptual framework can be used to analyse the direct effect of the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment in the hospitality industry. Furthermore, it can be applied to determine the indirect effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between role stress and organizational commitment.

Hashemi, S. M., Jamil Jusoh, Kiumarsi, S. and Shno Mohammadi
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