Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Focused pressure over the surgical wound improves the aesthetic outcome.

The pressure focused on a wound leads to its healing, by the effect of the stimulation of arteriogenesis and angiogenesis in the affected area, with a surprising aesthetic outcome. The antibacterial and debriding properties of compression make it a fundamental therapeutic tool in wound management. I checked this effect, treating vascular leg ulcers by means of compression therapy, using a modality which I named “double focal compression bandaging”. The pressure is achieved using a pad-gauzes putted over the wound and fixing it to the skin with adhesive -tape. No signs of infection were detected, and the debridement no was necessary, because the technique involves an autolytic debridement. As an example, we show the aesthetic result of more relevant cases, in 45 patients treated with surgical minor, applying this technique (photographic sequence of the clinical course until its full healing).

Carlos Sanchez
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