Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Nutritionaland bioactive evaluation of pleurotuspulmonarius (freis) quell.fruitbodies grown ondifferent wood logs

This study was conducted to determine thenutritional and bioactive composition of Pleurotus pulmonarius fruit bodies cultivated on logs of Dacryodesedulis, Mangiferaindica and Treculiaafricana. Logs were cut into average length of 18cm with inoculation holes of 3cm × 15mm diameter using high speed drill (HSD) of 5 drill bit and allowed to decompose for 8months. During mushroom cultivation, logs were soaked in tap water for 24hrs and pasteurized at 80oC in an improvised metallic drum (IMD) for 1hourusing cooking gas as heat source and allowed to cool overnight. Pure mycelium culture of P. pulmonarius was aseptically bulked in sorghum grains. 10g of grain based spawn was inserted into 2/3 of each hole by way of inoculation and sealed with sterile polybag for mycelium incubation. Polybags were cut open after spawn run following primordial initiation. Fruit bodies were harvested at maturity, sundried and packed in airtight container for further analysis. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)and mean separation by DuncanMultiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% levels of significance. Results indicated that P. pulmonarius fruit bodies harvested from various logs were significantly different (P<0.05) in their nutritional and bioactive compounds composition. Fruit body samples were rich in Protein,Carbohydrates, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium. It was also observed that fruit bodies contained significant amount of alkaloids, tannins and saponins;flavonoids and phenols could be useful in drug synthesis. Therefore adopting this technique in oyster mushroom cultivation would create the opportunity of harnessing waste of woods.

Onyeizu, U. R., Nwoko, M. C., Chukunda, F.A.Ukoima, H.N.
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