Call for Papers : Volume 11, Issue 04, April 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

A review on sandhi sharir w.s.r to janu sandhi (knee joint) and its applied aspect

In Ayurvedic Classics Atreya, Dhanvantari Sushruta and all other communities have made it important the knowledge of body to have undoubtedly for the sake of knowledge. The definition of Sandhiin various Ayurvedic literature are given as “asthisamyogasthana” or “to unite” or “the meeting point of two or more stuctures. counted so only AsthiSandhi or bony joints should be considered under the term Sandhis. In our Ayurvedic literature different Aacharyas have mentioned different numbers of Sandhi. According to Aacharya Sushruta Sandhisare two hundred and ten in number, which are responsible for various movements, and are distributed throughout the body. In Ayurvedic Samhitas the description of anatomy of Sandhi in detail is not found. It is observed that the incidence of joints disorders are increasing in today ‟s world. It is the burning problem for people and society. A thorough knowledge of the structure and function of the joint is required to diagnose and treat the diseases of joints.

Dr. Pallavi D. Pawar (Patil),
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